Saturday 25 January 2014

SSS men invade former FCT Minister Home el-Rufai’s

Operatives of the State Security Service (SSS) twice stormed the Abuja residence of former Minister of the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Mallam Nasir el-Rufai, yesterday to effect his arrest.
The invasions followed alleged refusal of el-Rufai to honour an invitation from the SSS over what it called inciting comments by him.
The operatives waited for several hours during their first invasion and left at about 5.30pm without their target.
They returned a few hours later, this time apparently determined to vent their fury on whoever they wanted.
On their arrival they reportedly pounced on el-Rufai’s watchmen beating them.
The Deputy National Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC) was not at home on each occasion.
It was gather el-Rufai, had shut the gate of the 12 Mambilla Street, Maitama District residence following desperate calls to friends and relations.
Journalists, acting on a tip-off, had laid siege to the street to cover the unfolding drama.
The security operatives left after confirming that their target was unavailable.
The SSS claimed that el-Rufai’s warning that the 2015 elections might be violent was inciting.
Twenty-four hours before the invasion he had tweeted: “If the SSS wishes to see me in their office, they should obtain a warrant of a High Court as required by law and arrest me stating charges.”
In another tweet, he said: “When Jonathanians threaten us, the SSS is silent. When opposition figures state facts, they are invited. I have declined the invitation.”
A source in the family said: “The SSS men came twice looking for our father, who was away for some engagements. I think daddy went to see some friends and pick children from school.
“They insisted on knowing his whereabouts but we could not be of help. They later left.”
Mr. Muyiwa Adekeye, Media Advisor to Mallam el-Rufai, said the ex-Minister insisted that he cannot be silenced.

He said the SSS agents did not produce any warrant to support their invasion of his premises.
He said the invasion of the house amounted to another violation of his right by the SSS.
His words: “Armed SSS officials on Friday stormed the Abuja residence of Mallam Nasir el-Rufai. This follows his rejection of the attempt by the SSS to compel him to come to their offices without a valid warrant.
“El Rufai had on Thursday firmly told the DG SSS that he would be exercising his right not to go to the SSS offices, except a warrant mandates it.
“He however offered to meet the SSS officials in his home or office. The armed invasion of his house is a clear indication that the SSS imagines itself as an agency immune from respecting fundamental rights, behaviour akin to a gathering of toughs before whom every citizen must quake.
“The SSS agents did not produce any warrant to back their invasion of his premises.”
Adekeye recalled previous alleged violation of el-Rufai’s rights by the SSS, saying: “The assault on el-Rufai’s house continues a sorry tradition of serial violation of his rights by the SSS which has arrested him at airports and hotels. The most recent was the action of the SSS in violating his right to freedom of movement in Awka during the Anambra elections.
“Without any just cause or formal charge, the Directorate of State Security Services (SSS) had unlawfully detained el-Rufai, the Deputy National Secretary of the All Progressives Congress (APC) at the premises of Finotel Hotel, Akwa, Anambra State, from the 15th day of November, 2013 to the 16th day of November, 2013.
“During the period, Mallam el-Rufai was not only restricted to the Finotel Hotel, he was denied access to his congregational prayer as a devout Muslim; and kept incommunicado without access to anyone and or the press.
“To remedy the flagrant violation of El Rufai’s fundamental rights as enshrined in sections 35, 39, 40 and 41 of the Constitution, El Rufai has sued the SSS over this matter, seeking eight reliefs, including an injunction to restrain the SSS from further infringing on his fundamental rights.
“He is also praying the court for a declaration that the SSS has no powers under the 1999 Constitution (as amended) or under any Nigerian law to either impose a general restriction on movement or restrict el-Rufai’s constitutional right of freedom of movement as enshrined in Section 34 of the 1999 Constitution on account of the Anambra State Gubernatorial election that took place on the 16th day of November, 2013 or any other election.
“Proceedings in the case against the SSS began on Thursday, 16 January at the Federal High Court, Awka, Anambra State. Mr C.C. Nwaokorie, counsel for the respondents, informed the court that they had only received the processes the previous day. The records of the Court indicated that they had been served in good time. The court adjourned to 19 February 2014 for hearing of the matter.
“The SSS is advised to diligently attend to this pending matter. Mallam el-Rufai will not be silenced.
“He will continue to do his patriotic duty of challenging INEC and the security agencies to guarantee the climate for free and fair elections in Nigeria by desisting from partisanship and the embrace of impunity.”
Clarifying its position last night,the Security Service said it had a warrant to arrest el-Rufai and that it was not in any way witch-hunting him.
Deputy Director (Public Relations) of the security outfit, Merylin Ogar, said there will be no waiver for el-Rufai.
Ogar said: “el-Rufai has to come and explain his statement to us or else we will arrest him. We have the warrant of arrest now, we will arrest him.
“The time for any human being to play pranks with the SSS has passed. Why is el-Rufai running away?”
Asked why the SSS was infringing on his rights, Ogar said: “We are not witch-hunting or infringing on his rights in any manner. el-Rufai made a few statements, we invited him to come and clarify what he said in line with our mandate to protect lives and property.
“If el-Rufai claims his statements were put in the wrong perspective by the media, we decided to give him an opportunity to clear the air. Is it wrong to hear from el-Rufai too?

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