Saturday 8 February 2014

One technical glitch spoils an otherwise epic opening Olympic ceremony

The Sochi Winter Olympics 2014 has been plagued with all sorts of controversies. Be it terror a threat, reports of corruption or unfinished hotels or even gay rights, the Russian city of Sochi has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. Probably Russian President Vladimir Putin was hoping that the tongues would stop wagging once the games begin. Sigh...that didn't happen either. The opening ceremony kicked off with a technical glitch that kept one of the five rings of the Olympic symbol from lighting up. Even though the remaining three-hour ceremony unfolded without a single glitch, social media didn't spare the Olympic symbol ring fail. With more than three million hits so far, the picture has gone viral.
One of the reasons why the world has not been forgiving to the Sochi Winter Olympics might be the fact that the games of 2014 have turned out to be the most expensive in the history of winter Olympics. According to reports, the games this year cost three times as much as the previous ones hosted by London, Vancouver, Beijing, etc. More than 40, 000 spectators, as well as hundreds of competitors from 87 countries had descended on the Fisht stadium - one of the five newly0built venues in the Olympic Park. You can check out the technical glitch and see the highlights of the spectacular opening ceremony here.

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